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Sentenced to Debt
By Louise Wilson
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Product Description
Sentenced to Debt: Robert Forrester, First Fleeter – by Louise Wilson
Product details
Paperback: 514 pages
Publisher: Louise Wilson
ISBN: 9780980447866
Trim size: 254 x 176 mm
When Robert Forrester moved to London in the early 1780s, he was a ‘nobody’ in terms of documented history. A judgment at the Old Bailey in 1783 turned him into a ‘somebody’.
Along with hundreds of other men and women whose homeland did not want them and forcibly expelled them, in 1787 he was loaded aboard one of the First Fleet ships bound for the far side of the world. They anchored in Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788. An astonishing new chapter opened in the long story of an ancient continent.
In 1791 selected convicts of good character were allowed to become ‘new Australians’. One was Robert Forrester. He’d escaped his death sentence but his land grant in the Hawkesbury’s ‘valley of floods’ quickly sentenced him to debt. Interactions with the ‘First Australians’, the custodians of his land for 60,000 years, earned him and his partner Isabella Ramsay a permanent place in Australian history.
Be transported, not like Robert on a convict ship, but by this engrossing true story of a resilient if inadvertent founder of modern Australia.

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Reviews (4)
Name : Grahame
Location : Brisbane
Title : Sentenced to Debt.
Review : Robert Forrester, the subject of this book, is my Great / Great / Great Grand-father and I would like to sincerely thank Louise Wilson for an excellent book about Robert's life , firstly in England , followed by his rather long sea journey to Botany Bay , then Norfolk Island and finally his rather daunting Hawkesbury River "experience ". The amount of research which Louise would have undertaken to compile this book is somewhat unbelievable , but certainly highlights her skills as an Author and Researcher and " Sentenced to Debt " is a credit to Louise.

Name : Grahame
Location : Brisbane
Title : Sentenced to Debt.
Review : Robert Forrester, the subject of this book, is my Great / Great / Great Grand-father and I would like to sincerely thank Louise Wilson for an excellent book about Robert's life , firstly in England , followed by his rather long sea journey to Botany Bay , then Norfolk Island and finally his rather daunting Hawkesbury River "experience ". The amount of research which Louise would have undertaken to compile this book is somewhat unbelievable , but certainly highlights her skills as an Author and Researcher and " Sentenced to Debt " is a credit to Louise.

Name : Judith Bush
Location : Victoria
Title : Meticulous Research
Review : Wouldn't Robert Forrester be amazed to find a substantial book detailing his life and family? Louise has done an amazing job researching this book. I found it very readable and loved the way she dealt very fairly with Robert's early indigenous encounters. It gave the reader an understanding of the problems faced by farmers and convicts alike when it came to the indigenous population. Neither side understood the other and this was just one aspect of trying to live a new life in a very strange country. It is likely that it will only be others who have journeyed down the same track as Louise by tracing an early ancestor themselves will understand how driven and compelling the journey becomes. They will appreciate the amount of work, time and money that Louise has put into this book. The researcher travels into the world of their ancestors and walks with them in their footsteps. Very well done Louise and I am proud to have your book on my bookshelf.

Name : Kristal
Location : Brisbane
Title : Sentenced to Debt
Review : Awesome book, exceptionally well written and researched by author and descendant Louise Wilson. I consider myself so lucky to have this treasure about my own ancestors. Anyone interested in early Australian convict history and the white settlement era of Australia should read this book. So good I bought one for my mother as well.

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