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Blood, Mud and Gerald the Grouse
Dr. Archibald Simpson Anderson
Product Description
Blood, Mud and Gerald the Grouse by Dr. Archibald Simpson Anderson
Product details
Paperback: 484 pages
Publisher: James Anderson
ISBN: 9780645840612
Trim size: 152 x 229 mm
The fresh faced youth in this photo graduated in Medicine from University of Melbourne (Ormond College) from where he volunteered for active service with the newly formed Australian Imperial Force. When Lord Kitchener called to the Australian medical fraternity with the dire need of ‘Mother England’ for doctors at the front, Archie responded immediately in company with 114 other Australian doctors and 136 nurses. As the Australian Army Medical Corps was fully subscribed, he was directed to the Royal Army Medical Corps to support British troops in the ‘The Great War for Civilisation’.*

Like so many other soldiers, Archie kept a diary — two volumes worth — which encompasses his ocean voyage, training in England, service in France and finally his work with the Indian Meerut Division in the relief of the British military disaster of Kut on the Tigris. This character building time was also detailed in his contemporaneous novel Dusty Doings: with the Indians to Baghdad.

In reading these diaries you will meet his keen eye for humanity, dry humour for his own condition and a soul longing for his home, family and fiancé.

 *This is the inscription on the Victory medal.  
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